UChicago Simulation Center

Our Equipment

For any questions related to any of our equipment, please email us at simulation@uchicagomedicine.org. Below is a list of our equipment available for use.
  • Laerdal Sim Man 3G: Advanced adult patient simulator
  • Laerdal Sim Man: Realistic adult patient simulator
  • Laerdal Sim Mom: Adaptable simulator for pre to post natal care with automatic vaginal delivery upgrade
  • Laerdal Sim Junior: Pediatric simulator
  • Laerdal Sim Baby: Realistic infant simulator best for airway management, breathing, circulation, defibrillation, vascular access and anatomy
  • Laerdal Sim NewB: Neonatal simulator designed to meet training requirements of neonatal emergency medicine and resuscitation courses
  • Peds HAL: 5yr old Pediatric Simulator designed for airway, breathing, circulation and hypoxic events, intra-osseous infusion, venous access and resuscitation
  • ECMO Adult and Baby: Simulators used with any real ECMO machine
  • Laerdal premie: Premature baby simulator designed for training on premature and essential newborn care
  • Simulab Central Venous Catheterization: Learners can practice performing full catheterization
  • Simulab Lumbar Puncture: Lumbar puncture simulator
  • CAE Paracentesis: Realistic and ultra-durable ultrasound guided paracentesis training model
  • CAE Throacentesis: Mid-scapulary thoracentesis Ultrasound Training Model
  • ResusciAnne: Half body manikin designed to provide realistic resuscitation training through clear feedback and analysis of training
  • ResusciBaby: Infant resuscitation manikin designed to provide feedback to improve training techniques
  • DaVinci Robotic Surgery simulator: Provides comprehensive training with system skills exercises and 3D videos
  • GI Bronch Mentor: Provides comprehensive bronchoscopy training combining  basic skill tasks and complete clinical procedures
  • LapMentor: Provides various hands-on laparoscopic training across disciplines
  • Inventive HeartWorks TTE/TEE: Provides realistic probe positioning, visualizing and interpreting image relationships and pathology and doppler tools to easily switch between TEE and TTE training
  • Simulab IV Pads: Simulator used to train on intravenous methodology
  • Life Form IV Arms: Complete venous access for IV therapy and phlebotomy
  • Limbs and Things Intra-muscular Injection Pad: Injection pad simulator for training on giving IM injections
  • Laerdal Resusci Anne Simulator: Full body resuscitation manikin designed with high quality airway management, live defibrillation and synchronized ECG, IV insertion, blood pressure auscultation, pulse monitoring, voice, lung and heart sounds and feedback to measure performance
  • Choking Charlie: Adult torso designed to train on Heimlich Abdominal Thrust maneuver
  • Oto Sim: Otolaryngology simulator designed to verify student progress, improve viewer retention and increase student capability
  • Mama-natalie Birthing Simulator: Manual birthing simulator designed to create complex birthing scenarios involving bleeding, positioning and delivery of baby, delivery of placenta, fetal heart sounds, cervix landmarking, urine bladder catheterization, uterine massage and compression
  • Nasco Tracheostomy Care Manikin: Provides ability to train on suctioning, cuff inflation, dressing changes and more
  • Laerdal Pneumothorax Trainer: Specificially designed for training of chest decompression with anatomical landmark aids, bilateral midaxillary and midclavicular sites and bilateral tension pneumothoraces and decompression portals in each axilla and subvlavian region
  • Laerdal Airway Management Trainer: Realistic upper torso and head which simulates complications of intubation, ventilation and suction
  • Laerdal Infant Airway Management Trainer: Realistic anatomy of a 3 month old infant used to simulate complications of intubation, ventilation and suction
  • Laerdal NG Tube and Trach Care Trainer: Realistic anatomical landmarks provide the ability to train on tracheostomy care; tracheal suctioning; NG tube insertion; removal of NG tube irrigation, instillation and monitoring; feeding tube insertion and removal; gastric lavage and gavage; nasoentric and esophageal tube insertion and suctioning; insertion, securing and care of endotracheal tubes
  • Laerdal Intraosseous Trainer: Designed for infant intraosseous infusion techniques such as needle insertion and aspiration of simulated bone marrow
  • Simulab Trauma Child: High fidelity, soft tissue simulator designed to teach advanced trauma surgical skills for pediatrics
  • Simulab Vascular Access Child: Pediatric simulator for central line training and femoral line insertion
  • Blue Phantom Kidney Biopsy Trainer: Blue Phantom renal biopsy ultrasound training model
  • Simulab PICCLineMan: Peripheral Inserted Central Catheter training simulator designed to train using real time ultrasound guided catheter placement with obese and geriatric tissue
  • FLS LapTrainer with SimuVision: Laparoscopic skills video trainer used for teaching surgical skills and techniques 
  • IMMERSIVE TOUCH: Surgical, virtual reality imaging machine that provides haptic force feedback and 3D visualizations
  • Life/form® Female Catheterization Simulator: Constructed with a bladder reservoir, patient urethra and internal urethral sphincter, the simulator provides catheterization training
  • Life/form® Male Catheterization Simulator: Constructed with a bladder reservoir, patient urethra and internal urethral sphincter, the simulator provides catheterization training
  • Blue Phantom U/S Training Block: Branched 4 vessel vascular access ultrasound training model used to develop, practice and maintain skills for ultrasound guided venous access and arterial access procedures
  • Sonosite Ultrasound Machine: Ultrasound machine simulator which offers abdominal, nerve, vascular, cardiac, pelvic and venous access imagining.
  • B-line AV Recording: Provide a video recording of a training session with live streaming
  • Philips AED Trainer: A training version of the actual Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) used in the hospital
  • Glidescope: Video laryngoscope system that delivers digital video technology and functionality
  • Blue Phantom Lumbar Puncture: Adult spinal epidural and lumbar puncture trainer
  • CAE Peripheral IV Arm: Simulated patient arm used for peripheral IV training
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