Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that uses a series of simulated pediatric emergencies to reinforce the important concepts of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms, effective resuscitation and team dynamics. The goal of the PALS course is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured children, resulting in improved outcomes.
– from American Heart Association Pediatric Life Support (PALS)
How to Register
UC employees: log-on to Absorb to complete registration.
Non-employees: Please refer to the AHA Course Finder website.
How to Pay
UChicago Medicine Staff are not required to pay for the course
BSD Facutly and staff are responsible for payment. Payment can be made by a cost center transfer via ACCTS or by credit card.
- Click here to pay online for a Full Provider course
- Click here to pay online for a Recertification course.
For more information on refunds, see the General Refund/Cancellation Policy.
To review the UC Simulation guidelines for credit card processing, click here.
How to Obtain Course Materials
Required reading: PALS Provider Manual
A digital copy of the 2020 Provider Manual is available from the Crerar Library through the following link:
Paper books will not be included with the registration cost for the PALS course. They can be purchased online at
You can access the Provider Manual on campus or at home. Please use the following instructions:

1) Sign in with your CNET
If you are accessing the Provider Manuals off-campus you will be directed to sign in with your 2 Factor Authentication

2) Click the UChicago Logo in the upper left corner of the page

3) Click Login

4) Register for an account or login if you have already created one
Creating an account will allow you to easily access materials, highlight, and take notes.