UChicago Simulation Center

  • Intro
  • Exercise
  • Evaluation
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Welcome to the Virtual Room of Errors!

This interactive module is designed to enhance your abilities in identifying and addressing patient safety risks. As you journey through the virtual room, you'll be tasked with spotting safety hazards and understanding why they present a risk. As you move through this virtual module, you will need to complete various forms that help document your observations and insights. Start by filling out the fields in the first form, then click the 'Next' button located at the bottom of the page to proceed. This will navigate you to the subsequent form. Continue this process until you have completed all the forms. Remember, your careful attention to detail is key in this exercise. Happy learning!


Questionnaire: Please select the response that best reflects your agreement with these statements.

I received training on hospital safety during medical school.
I am satisfied with the safety training I received during medical school
I am confident in my ability to identify potential hazards in a hospital setting:

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